Alumni accepted into graduate programs
We are pleased to share the following student successes:
Smietana Heading link

Jessica Smietana, M.A. 2018 has just accepted a full scholarship to begin a Ph.D. in French Literature, Culture and Thought at N.Y.U., beginning Fall, 2019.
Tyler Grand Pré Heading link

Tyler Grand Pré who graduated with a B.A. in French in Spring 2018 has just accepted a full scholarship to Columbia University to begin a Ph.D. program in English and Comparative Literature in Fall ’19.
Zebulon Hurst Heading link

Zebulon Hurst who graduated from the program in Spring 2019 has received a full scholarship at the Pacific School of Religion to begin a Masters of Divinity degree program in Fall ’19.
Modified on June 04, 2019