Graduate Funding

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Our Teaching Assistantships include a tuition waiver, a service fee waiver, and a stipend of at least $23,440 for the 2023-2024 academic year. This is a 50% Teaching Assistantship. Students holding it must

  1. teach three sections from among our Basic French sequence (FR 101, 102, 103, 104), two sections in one semester and one in the other
  2. enroll in a minimum of two graduate-level courses (8 credit hours) per semester.

The department may also award a limited number of Board of Trust Tuition and Fee Waivers each semester. These cover tuition and some fees, but do not include a stipend. Please contact the Director of Graduate Studies if you are interested.

In addition, the Department may choose to nominate candidates for several Fellowships funded through the Graduate College. These are extremely competitive Fellowships awarded by a university-wide committee. For further information, please see

If you are having difficulties with the application, contact the Director of Graduate Studies.