News John Ireland receives Silver Circle Award for Excellence in Teaching Congratulations to John Ireland, Professor of French and Francophone studies, who has been selected as one of the fourteen recipients of the Silver Circle Award for Excellence in Teaching! Ellen McClure featured on Mouvement Transitions website Ellen McClure is featured on the Mouvement Transitions website. A piece she wrote about early modernity and religion is prominently featured in the early modern section with an introduction by Hélène Merlin-Kajman. Jennifer Solheim interview on WGN radio Visiting Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies, Jennifer Solheim, will be on the John Williams show on WGN radio on Saturday the 31st at 2:05 to talk about the attack of the French… CFP - Chicago Language Symposium February 1 is the deadline for proposals for the Chicago Language Symposium, co-sponsored by the LCLC, DePaul, U of C, and Northwestern. Proposals from all languages and TESOL are welcome. See below for… CFP - In/Between Sixth Annual In/Between Conference March 5-6, 2015 The School of Literatures, Cultural Studies and Linguistics invites papers based on all current research by our faculty and graduate students. No matter your topic, we’d… CFP – 2015 LCSL Graduate Student Conference We are pleased to announce the first ever interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference in Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago hosted by graduate students from different departments in the School of… Kat Aldag, to present at InterGenerational Model United Nations Academic Advisor, Kat Aldag, will present on Food and Agriculture Organization: Food Security in the Developing World at the InterGenerational Model United Nations. Kat Aldag is the Academic Advisor for all programs within the School… LICO Research Group co-hosted the 43rd annual meeting of New Ways in Analyzing Variation This weekend, the LICO Research Group at UIC co-hosted with Urbana-Champaign the 43rd annual meeting of New Ways in Analyzing Variation, the largest international conference on sociolinguistics. Many phonemes, morphemes, and processes were analyzed; three Festschrifts and… In Memoriam Niles West High School Visit Graduating Senior Annayeli Munoz and Professor John Ireland with students from Niles West High School following an outreach visit on February 20 to present French studies at UIC. Prev 1 … 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next